What’s the Best Way to Grow Your Business Abroad?

Hello everybody, Dr. Steve here, my topic today is ” What’s the Best Way to Grow Your Business Abroad?”.


You know it’s a very good question, of course, you should start locally, and nationally.



When you want to grow your business, say in France, you got to ask everybody you know, who do you know in France.


Then take their contact information give them a call and say “Hey John, I just got your name, I was told you’re a sharp person. Would you be interested in taking a look at a side business”?


And then what you do, here’s the key, by the way, send them physical information so get a pack of information for them together, brochures, samples, and send it to them.


Don’t do electronic information because you may only to get about 10 percent of responses. And then when you get a team internationally, you can skype them and you can even visit them and do meetings locally for them.


So, hope you got value and if you did, go to drstevesabo.com



Dr. Steve Sabo

Email: drsteve@drstevesabo.com
Facebook: Dr. Steve Sabo
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Phone: 201-697-6097

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