Live the Dream 8, Austin, TX August 2017

Can you relate to this?

I’ve been an emergency doctor for over 20 years. The work is demanding and satisfying. However, my schedule keeps me away from my family too much of the time.

This led me to develop part time businesses so that I will be able to change my work schedule and still make a good income.  I have a home business providing cutting edge nutraceutical products that I believe in and I market a device that increases blood flow. I also teach people how to use social media to grow their network marketing and small businesses.

When I started in network marketing, I made the same mistake that most people make.  I felt like I had to “hunt” for business and, well, let’s face it, people don’t want to be treated like “prey”. It was an awkward feeling like I was imposing on friends and family. I took personal and professional growth courses which helped, but the real turning point came when I studied specific and powerful social media strategies.

Now I don’t feel the need to pitch friends and family.  Instead I give value to thousands of subscribers from around the globe who follow my posts and videos. They come to me and I never have to “sell” anyone.  I listen, give helpful advice, and offer a product or service if there is a real fit. People appreciate this and know that I have their best interest at heart. 

We have great conversations and I still get to help people. 

Dr and Mrs Steve Sabo & Eric Worre

I enjoy teaching people how to grow and leverage their businesses using these same powerful social media strategies.  They are happy to give up the “hunting” mindset and market in a comfortable way!  It’s rewarding to be able to build relationships with my clients from all walks of life and help them become more successful.


Are you ready to grow your business online?

Would you like to learn how to brand YOU using social media?

Would you like to learn how to have qualified prospects come to you asking about your business? 

Just click the button below and fill out a short form so we can chat!