What’s the Best Way to Approach Your Chicken List?

What’s the best way to approach a chicken list? Couple things to remember right off the bat. Number one, don’t be addicted to the outcome. Number two, always ask them if they’re open.


What is your chicken list? Your chicken list is someone who you’re afraid to call. Someone who may be higher up on the socioeconomic chain than you are. Somebody who’s very successful.


These are generally people that you’re chicken to call. Here’s a couple scenarios of how to approach them.



Here’s one. “Listen, I wanted to reach out to you. I really respect the success that you’ve had.


Frankly, I don’t know if the project I’m working on is something that would interest you. I just wanted to see if you’d be open to grabbing a cup of coffee or chatting on the phone for five minutes.”


Here’s another one. “Hey, I just wanted to reach out to you. I don’t know if I’m barking up the wrong tree. I don’t know if it’s something you’d be interested in, but listen I really respect you. I’d love to sit down for five minutes, buy you a cup of coffee, and get your opinion on a project that I’m working on.”


Notice I said project. Remember, don’t just send a video or a link to one of these people. I also said cup of coffee. I didn’t say breakfast, lunch, or dinner. You don’t want to take up too much of these people’s time.


Again if you ask for a cup of coffee, as opposed to a phone chat, that means you want a physical meeting.


If they say, “It’s not for me.” What you want to do immediately say, “Listen, no problem.


Do you know anybody who might be interested in losing weight, making additional income?” Treat them with respect. Don’t be needy. Don’t be desperate. Don’t be pushy.


I’m going to leave you with these three things right now. They may not join you now but they’ll respect you. They may refer to you. They may end up joining you later.


Dr. Steve Sabo

Email: Dr-Steve-Sabo-Headshotdrsteve@drstevesabo.com
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Phone: 201-697-6097

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