What To Do If They Don’t Respond?

Hello everybody, Dr. Steve here, my topic today is “What To Do If They Don’t Respond?”


Now the key in follow up is to keep following up with people unless;



Number one, they die. Number two, they’re mean-spirited negative people that you just don’t have any possibility of working with.


So what’d you do if they don’t respond four days or more? I would suggest this is a good thing to say, “Hey, I apologize for not following up with you. How’s it going?”


Now you’re probably thinking two things, first, “why would I apologize to them? It’s their fault that they didn’t get back to me.” But I would say, “Do you want to be right, or do you want to make money?”


And number two, when you say “how’s it going” it tries to get them to respond and you may get more responses. Hope you got value and if you did, go to drstevesabo.com.



Dr. Steve Sabo

Email: drsteve@drstevesabo.com
Facebook: Dr. Steve Sabo
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Phone: 201-697-6097

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