Are You Struggling Making Money in Your Business Despite Working Hard?

Are you struggling making money in your network marketing business despite working very hard? You know what?


This is a very common problem that a lot of network marketers and small business owners have.



The problem most people have is they are not doing the money-making activities. That is, they are not prospecting. So many people out there, they do their daily affirmations, they watch videos, they do personal development, they read books, they take courses, they go to meetings, they go to conventions.


Yes, you need to do all of these things. They’re all important, but you must get people in front of your presentation every single day. You’ve got to prospect every day, because if you don’t prospect, you’re not going to make any money.


Your daily routine is important. Whatever your routine is, you’ve got to fit prospecting into it.


How do you prospect? There’s two ways to prospect. There is the traditional offline prospecting. This is what your company teaches you.


Then, there is online using social media. The other way is marketing. Listen, marketing your business in not going on your Facebook page and having every post about how great your company, your product, and your service is. It’s about connecting with people.


Here’s a good question to ask yourself at night: how many people did I get in front of the presentation today?


If you do this daily, you will make money. Remember, the goal is not to close a prospect. It’s to find people who are open, and they may want to move forward.


In summary, you need to do all the things that are important for your business that I’ve listed here today, but don’t avoid daily prospecting.


Dr. Steve Sabo

Facebook: Dr. Steve Sabo
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel: Dr. Steve Sabo
Phone: 201-697-6097

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