Do You Set Goals That are Too Small?

Do you think too small with your goals? I have 2 words to say to that. Think bigger.


Those 2 words can change your career. You know, this is a common problem in network marketing and frankly in business in general. Most people don’t think big enough.


They don’t set their goals high enough. It’s important to stretch your goals higher. Let me give you some examples.




If you have a recruiting goal of 3 people per month, think 5. If you have an income goal, say you’re nearing $5,000 a month, don’t set your goal at $5,000, set it at $10,000 and guess what?


Then the $5,000 goal will be much easier. Company convention goal, say it’s $10,000, shoot for $20,000 or $30,000, the same for a rank goal, other goals. Stretch yourself.


You know, most people set goals that are much too small. You must think bigger.


There’s a good book out there called The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz, talks exactly about this topic.


In summary, stretch your goals, grow them, expand them and then come up with a game plan to reach them.


Dr. Steve Sabo

Facebook: Dr. Steve Sabo
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Phone: 201-697-6097

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