Why is it Important to Be Authentic in Your Business?

Why is it important to be authentic in your business?


What I would say is sometimes when you’re starting out, you’re struggling and you can’t figure out why you’re struggling.


You’ve learned the skills, you’ve focused, you’ve prepared, but you may not be making any money.


You do want to copy leaders and learn how they do the business, but what you may not realize is that you’re actually acting like them and not like yourself.


You might think you’re connecting with people, but check out your results. Are you acting like a salesperson? Remember, people don’t like to be sold, and remember to be you; others don’t want to see a different person.


I realized when I started my business, I was just doing that. I tried to sell people on my business and service. I wasn’t connecting with people.


In fact, my family, including my parents, didn’t even know who they were talking to. I’m sure they thought, “Is this the son who I sent to medical school?”


When I realized what I was doing, I asked them to be my customer. I told them my why, that I wanted to spend more time with my two daughters, with my wife, and guess what?


They immediately agreed to be my customer. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Be authentic in your business and act like yourself, not like a salesperson.


Dr. Steve Sabo

Email: Dr-Steve-Sabo-Headshotdrsteve@drstevesabo.com
Facebook: Dr. Steve Sabo
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Phone: 201-697-6097

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Check Out My Previous Blog PostDo You Struggle Balancing Your Time Between Your Business and Your Family?

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