How To Succeed in Network Marketing

Hello everybody. Dr. Steve here, coming to you from just outside Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


My topic today is How to Succeed in Network Marketing. Let me first talk about failure. People have a lot of excuse for failing in network marketing.



Their upline’s no good. They didn’t make a ton of money right off the back in the first couple weeks. They didn’t know what to do.


You know what? What I would say to that is you need to take responsibility for what happens to you and what happens to your business, and if you don’t take responsibility for your actions, you’ll never be successful.


In summary, what I would say is, “Look in the mirror. That’s the person that’s responsible for your success.”


Hope you got value here today, and if you did, check out my website,



Dr. Steve Sabo

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Phone: 201-697-6097

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