How to Make a Written List

Hello everybody, Dr. Steve here, my topic today is “How to Make a Written List.”

You know I gonna tell you the best thing I’ve seen on this topic is Eric Worre’s “The Ultimate Memory Jogger” and he talks about four steps to making a list.



Number one, write down your list, make a written list and put everyone you know.


The key here is not to pre-judge, make sure you put down everyone including people that are negative, people that said they never do network marketing, if they’re 95, even if you don’t like them, put them on the list.


Number two, the second degree of separation. Who do they know, who were their family, their friends, their business contacts, you may know them too.


Number three, always add to the list. And number four, network on purpose, go out, meet people, go join a gym, go to a networking event.


Hope you got value here today and if you did, go to



Dr. Steve Sabo

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