How Best to Generate Leads

Hello everybody, Dr. Steve here, my topic today is “How Best to Generate Leads”.


What you have to do is you have to make yourself more attractive. You’ve got to use attraction marketing.



We’ve talked about this before, What is attraction marketing. You need to educate people, you need to go past this, teach people, you need to find out first and foremost who your target market is.


Then you need to find out about what their struggles and their needs are. And you need to educate them to get over their struggles.


What I do is I do videos to educate people in the home business market. If you like to learn more about that, feel free to check out my website



Dr. Steve Sabo

Facebook: Dr. Steve Sabo
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel: Dr. Steve Sabo
Phone: 201-697-6097

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Check Out My Previous Blog PostThe Difference Between Amateurs and Professionals

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