Are You Addicted To The Outcome When Prospecting?

Hello everybody, Dr. Steve here. My topic today is, are you addicted to the outcome when prospecting?


You know, it’s a really interesting topic. I saw a recent blog post by Ray Higdon, and he talked about the fact that you should not get addicted to the outcome.



It’s all about attitude. You know, he asked a very good question when he asked someone if they’re interested in his business.


Just curious, would you be open to taking a look at your side project if it didn’t interfere with what you’re currently doing?


Then, he uses the example of the waitress in a restaurant. She asked you, “Do you want a piece of pie?”


You say no. Does she throw a temper tantrum? No, she goes and gets the check. Same thing with your business. You’ve got to have posture, you’ve got to not be addicted to the outcome.


Hope you got value here today, and if you did, go to my new website,



Dr. Steve Sabo

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