A Great Tip To Get Better At Prospecting

Hello everybody. Dr. Steve here coming to you from outside Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. My topic today is a great tip to get better at prospecting.


I’ve got to tell you, I learned this great tip from Todd Falcone and the key here is to record yourself. Yes, record yourself.


Whether it’s when you’re doing a home presentation, whether you’re doing a presentation on stage at a meeting, or whether you’re prospecting.


There are even some great apps that can record your calls, and what you should do is listen to them, critique them, and get better.


Learn from the recordings. I did this, and it really, really helped me. Record yourself and get better at prospecting. 


Hope you got value here today, and if you did, check out my website drstevesabo.com 



Dr. Steve Sabo

Email: drsteve@drstevesabo.com
Facebook: Dr. Steve Sabo
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel: Dr. Steve Sabo
Phone: 201-697-6097

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