Do You Struggle Getting More People In Your Business?

Do you struggle getting more people in your business? Well, what I would say to that is you need to be able to close the prospect if you want to be successful and get more people in your business.


How do you do that? The key here is that you need to ask questions and you need to ask the right questions. Now there’s many people out there, all they want to do when they join your company is they want to study scripts.


They want to study neuro-linguistic programming. They try to persuade people. The easiest way to approach this problem is to ask questions.



If they saw your opportunity, ask, “Just curious. Why did you check it out? What did you see in the presentation that was important and why?” If they say they need to make more money, ask, “Just curious. Why?” Whatever they say, ask, “Just curious.


Why do you need to make more money? Is that something you really need to do? If you don’t join this opportunity, this company, do you have another plan to accomplish whatever your goal is?” Questions here are the key.


It’s easier to ask questions to get people to buy into your product or your opportunity.


The next time you’re closing a prospect, think, “What’s the best question to ask to bring them to you?” Instead of being pushy, ask questions and you’ll pull people to you.


Dr. Steve Sabo

Facebook: Dr. Steve Sabo
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Phone: 201-697-6097

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