How Best to Start New Distributors

Hello everybody, Dr. Steve here, my topic today is “How Best to Start New Distributors.”


I got this lecture from a talk by Lisa Grossman at GoPro Recruiting Mastery and she called it “The Seven Words That Will Change Your Business.”



And they are, “I will help you build your business, I will help you, and you build your business.”


You see, the new distributor needs to earn your respect, you need to define the relationship between a mentor and the mentee, you need to give them an assignment and get a deadline.


And if they don’t meet the deadline, you give him one more chance, another deadline, and if they don’t meet that, you say “listen, this is your business, I’m not gonna tell you how to do your business, here are the conference calls, here’s the information and get back to me when you’ve completed the assignment.


Hope you got value here today and if you did, go to



Dr. Steve Sabo

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