The Essential Book for Network Marketers

Hello everybody Dr. Steve here, my topic today is The Essential Book for Network Marketers.



You know there are a lot of books out there that I’ve read, books that are great for network marketers, books on personal development there’s Robert Kiyosaki’s “Rich Dad Poor Dad”,


there’s Napoleon Hill’s classic “Think and Grow Rich” but I really believe that the essential book for network marketers and especially for the new distributor is Eric Worre’s “Go Pro: The Seven Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional.”


I give it to all my new distributors, its a great reference, its a great read, its easy to read and it tells you exactly what to do step-by-step and also tell you the pitfalls and what not to do.


So I advise you to get that I give it to all my new distributors and it’s again it’s an essential book.


Hope you got value here today and if you did, go to



Dr. Steve Sabo

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